BowWave Consulting - News Archive

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BowWave Consulting - News

16th of December 2023: FSRU Jetty in Stade opened and handed over to new owners

On 16th of December 2023, the pier for liquefied gases (AVG Stade) completed by the Lower Saxony port company NPorts was released in Stade and handed over to future users. In the presence of over 200 guests from business, politics and administration, the opening was attended by Economics Minister Olaf Lies, Energy and Climate Protection Minister Christian Meyer, the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Stefan Wenzel, and Holger Banik, Managing Director of NPorts.

BowWave Consulting is delighted to have played a role in the final stage of this project. We eagerly anticipate welcoming the FSRU for the commencement of commissioning work on the topsides and preparations for the inaugural LNG carrier. Meanwhile, the FSRU Transgas Force has departed the shipyard, ready to tackle the upcoming challenges.

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BowWave Consulting - News

30th of October 2023: New Pipeline for Wilhelmshaven

In a significant development, a second liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal is set to be constructed in Wilhelmshaven this winter. To enhance the connection of these LNG terminals to the German long-distance gas network, Open Grid Europe (OGE), the gas network operator, aims to initiate the construction of a new pipeline, spanning approximately 150 km, starting next year. The decision stems from the current pipeline network's near-full utilization in transporting natural gas from Norway and the Netherlands.

The objective is to accommodate increased quantities of regasified LNG from Wilhelmshaven into the network, necessitating a capacity expansion. The proposed pipeline is designed to fortify the existing network and will be executed in two sections.

This strategic infrastructure initiative reflects the commitment to optimizing the gas network for the efficient transportation and distribution of LNG, contributing to Germany's energy security and sustainability goals.

BowWave Consulting is pleased to engage in the development project for the second FSRU terminal in Wilhelmshaven. We are committed to offering the necessary maritime and technical expertise to contribute to the establishment of the new gas infrastructure in Germany.

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BowWave Consulting - News

25th of October 2023: Authorities grant permission for the remaining piece of the OAL Pipeline

The OAL pipeline plays a pivotal role in linking Mukran to Lubmin, serving as a crucial component for the establishment of the terminal in Mukran, where two Floating Storage and Regasification Units (FSRUs) will supply gas to the grid. GASCADE, in its capacity as the transmission system operator, will facilitate the connection of the terminal to the German gas transmission system.

The integration of the EUGAL and OPAL long-distance pipelines further enhances the project's capabilities, enabling the transportation of gas from the coast to cities in Germany and extending to Central and South-Eastern Europe.

As a collaborative partner in the development of the new Mukran FSRU Terminal, BowWave Consulting expresses its delight in the advancement of the project, particularly with the crucial addition of the OAL pipeline. This milestone ensures the seamless connection of the FSRUs to the gas grid in Lubmin, marking a significant step forward in the realization of the terminal and its contribution to the regional and European gas supply infrastructure.

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BowWave Consulting - News

11th of October 2023: SGMF Membership Forum

BowWave Consulting was privileged to be part of the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF) membership forum held in Paris, commemorating the society's 10-year anniversary. SGMF, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to advocating safety, industry best practices, and training within the maritime sector for the use of gas as a marine fuel. The forum provided a valuable platform for industry leaders in gas fuel and shipping to convene, exchange ideas, and collectively address future challenges. It served as a meeting of minds, fostering collaboration and innovation to promote the responsible and efficient use of gas as a marine fuel. BowWave Consulting's participation underscores its commitment to staying at the forefront of industry developments and contributing to the advancement of safety and best practices in the use of gas in marine operations.

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BowWave Consulting - News

04th of October 2023: BowWave Consulting becomes PIANC Member

BowWave Consulting is delighted to announce its official membership in PIANC, which stands for the World Association for Waterborne Transport Infrastructure. PIANC boasts a global presence with members in 79 countries, representing national or regional governments, intergovernmental organizations, and private companies dedicated to advancing waterborne transport infrastructure.

As a newly inducted member, BowWave Consulting eagerly anticipates engaging in collaborative efforts and actively participating in the esteemed association's initiatives. This membership signifies BowWave's commitment to staying at the forefront of developments in waterborne transport infrastructure, fostering valuable connections, and contributing its expertise to the collective advancement of the field within the international community.

BowWave Consulting - News
BowWave Consulting - News

01st of September 2023: BowWave Consulting signs consultancy agreement with Gasfin Development GmbH

BowWave Consulting is pleased to announce the signing of a consultancy agreement with Gasfin Development GmbH. In turn, Gasfin Development has entered into a consultancy agreement with Deutsche Energie Terminals GmbH (DET) to provide support for the commissioning and efficient operation of two existing terminals, along with two terminals currently under construction, set to be operational in 2024.

Deutsche Energie Terminals GmbH, owned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, oversees all four Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) projects on the North Sea, including Wilhelmshaven, Stade, and Brunsbüttel. Through this collaboration, Gasfin, in partnership with BowWave Consulting, aims to bring their collective maritime expertise and project management skills to the development and operation of these crucial FSRU projects. This collaboration reflects the commitment to supporting the German government's objectives in energy infrastructure and the efficient operation of key terminals.

BowWave Consulting's involvement in the navigational and operational aspects of these projects underscores its commitment to leveraging specialized knowledge in the maritime domain to ensure the success and efficiency of LNG transfer operations. The contribution to STS operations and LNG transfer aligns with the company's dedication to providing valuable insights and support in the dynamic field of liquefied natural gas and marine operations.

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BowWave Consulting - News

01st of March 2023: BowWave Consulting signs consultancy agreement with Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co. KGaA

BowWave Consulting and Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co. KGaA have formalized their consulting partnership through a consultancy agreement. This collaboration began with BowWave Consulting's successful assistance in the initial commissioning of the FSRU terminal in Lubmin, encompassing the establishment of a seamless logistic chain for supplying ample LNG to the FSRU, resulting in the project's success.

In addition to this achievement, BowWave Consulting is excited to continue its support for Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co KGaA. The collaboration will extend to the exploration of further development opportunities, including the investigation of alternative energy sources such as hydrogen, and the consideration of potential other FSRU locations.

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BowWave Consulting - News

15th of January 2023: Olaf Scholz opening Terminal

In a momentous achievement for BowWave Consulting, the company played a significant role in the official dedication of Germany's inaugural floating liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. The ceremony featured the presence of Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Prime Minister of Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Manuela Schwesig, underscoring the importance of this development in Germany's pursuit of diverse natural gas sources.

BowWave Consulting is proud to have played a significant role in this groundbreaking project. The company utilized its marine expertise to contribute to the navigational concept and Ship-to-Ship (STS) operations, specifically involving the transfer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the floating storage unit offshore off Rügen and within the port of Lubmin. These operations were executed using small-scale LNG carriers to efficiently transfer LNG into the Floating Storage Regasification Unit (FSRU) Neptune.

The newly inaugurated Deutsche Ostsee LNG Terminal is poised to significantly enhance the region's energy security by enabling the import of up to 4.5 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas annually. BowWave Consulting's involvement highlights its commitment to advancing key infrastructure projects that contribute to the energy landscape and foster regional energy resilience.

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BowWave Consulting - News

01st of January 2023: New Year Greetings

After a gratifying six months of consultancy, marked by successful contributions to projects like the construction and commissioning of the FSRU terminal in Lubmin, BowWave Consulting extends warm wishes for a Happy New Year 2023. Looking ahead, BowWave is poised to continue its unwavering commitment as a dedicated partner for valued clients and collaborators. The promising future holds exciting opportunities, and BowWave is enthusiastic about forging ahead into the new year and beyond, contributing expertise and support to further success for all involved.

BowWave Consulting - News
BowWave Consulting - News

28th of December 2022: Donation to SV Krupunder Lohkamp e.V.

BowWave Consulting has made a generous contribution of 1,000 Euros to the soccer division of SV Krupunder Lohkamp e.V. This sports club, situated in Hamburg, operates as a civic and social association, providing a range of sporting activities including football, gymnastics, Ju-Jutsu, and volleyball. Demonstrating a commitment to community engagement, BowWave Consulting is thrilled to contribute to the well-being of the youngest team within the club by providing essential sports gear and accessories. This philanthropic gesture reflects BowWave Consulting's dedication to supporting local initiatives and fostering a spirit of community through sports.

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BowWave Consulting - News

16th of December 2022: Neptune towed into Lubmin

In one of its first major milestones, and partnering with Deutsche ReGas, BowWave Consulting provided marine know-how in the towing of the Neptune into Lubmin to become Germany's second FSRU. Following rigorous participation in intensive simulation training programs and workshops, BowWave Consulting played a pivotal role in shaping the towing manual, procedures, and the development of the towing concept.
The intricate manoeuvre spanned approximately 16 hours, employing six tugs to carefully position the Neptune. The overarching plan involves connecting the Neptune to existing infrastructure, with the ambitious goal of commencing LNG imports by the conclusion of 2022.
The Deutsche ReGas Lubmin LNG import terminal is poised to become Germany's pioneering operational FSRU-based facility, marking a significant milestone in the country's energy landscape.

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BowWave Consulting - News

01st of September 2022: BowWave Consulting signs consultancy agreement with S5 Agency World

BowWave Consulting has forged a consultancy collaboration with S5 Agency World, a renowned global port agency boasting over 360 owned port offices. S5 Agency is recognized for its expansive network and provides innovative hub agency solutions, streamlining processes according to clients' unique requirements through their hub structure and user-friendly systems.
Leveraging its extensive expertise in the oil and gas industry, BowWave Consulting is poised to offer comprehensive support to S5 Agency World. Additionally, BowWave Consulting is extending its assistance to S5 Agency's clients by providing technical support in the utilization of gas as marine fuel. This strategic partnership aims to bring together the strengths of both entities to enhance services and solutions in the maritime domain.

BowWave Consulting - News
BowWave Consulting - News

01st of August 2022: BowWave Consulting signs consultancy agreement with ProNav Ship Management GmbH & Co. KG

BowWave Consulting has inked a noteworthy consultancy agreement with ProNav Ship Management, a reputable technical manager specializing in LNG carriers and a pivotal member of the Schulte Group, which ranks as the second-largest ship manager worldwide. In this collaboration, BowWave Consulting will play a key role in providing support to both ProNav Ship Management and the Schulte Group as they join forces with Deutsche ReGas GmbH & Co KGaA to pioneer the development of the inaugural FSRU Terminal on the German Baltic Coast. Notably, this terminal distinguishes itself as the sole privately financed project of its kind in Germany.
The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that the port of Lubmin is not tailored for conventional FSRUs available in the market and cannot be serviced by large-scale LNG carriers. As a result, this venture presents multiple challenges. BowWave Consulting is enthusiastic about contributing its expertise to overcome these hurdles and provide effective solutions for the successful execution of the project.

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BowWave Consulting - News

01st of June 2022: Self-employment

With over 15 years of invaluable experience in the shipping, oil, and gas industry, Martin Mischke has embarked on a new venture by establishing his own company, BowWave Consulting. As a self-employed consultant, Martin brings a wealth of expertise gained from diverse roles, including vetting, operations, marine insurance, new building, technical support for LNG terminals, and engagement as a former member of the technical committee of the Society for Gas as a Marine Fuel (SGMF). Additionally, his involvement in various technical working groups has enriched his understanding of industry intricacies. Drawing upon this extensive knowledge, Martin Mischke and BowWave Consulting are dedicated to providing high-quality consulting services to the oil and gas industry. This endeavour reflects a commitment to delivering specialized insights and solutions based on years of hands-on experience in the dynamic and complex realms of shipping, oil, and gas.